
“It’s difficult to understand why people don’t realize that pets are gifts to mankind.”

Linda Blair


Pets enrich our lives. They bring us comfort, joy, happiness and love. Our goal is to help build, guide and grow the bond between you and your furry friend. There is no cookie cutter program to make your pet perfect. Each family’s idea of the perfect pet is different - and none of them are wrong. What works for one family and pet might not work for another, they are individuals and should be treated as such. Our goal is to help you bring your best friend to their full potential through love, kindness and respect. To lead them to be the best companion they are capable of. We believe all pets regardless of age or circumstance are capable of learning new behaviors. We believe this is best achieved through personalized, custom one-on-one training in the home environment. Our training is based on positive reinforcement through the use of treats, physical affection and verbal praise. We want your friend to be enthusiastic about training, Forcing behaviors, negative attention and punishment create nervous, fearful companions. We strive to help you achieve a better mental, physical, and emotional balance with your friend by meeting their needs. We feel that this is best done through exercise, enrichment, training and behavior modification. We are here to guide you in that quest. Our trainers have a unique blend of training experience and extensive veterinary backgrounds. This allow us to provide you with knowledge based training with a focus on owner education that will help you make the best decisions for you and your companion. Our goal is to make our style of training, education and behavior modification accessible and affordable to everyone. We look forward to helping you expand the bond between you and your best friend.